Better to burn out than to fade away...
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50 Ways To Say Goodbye - Train

看到活动标题“给过你温暖的那个人还好吗”我脑海中竟然冒出了这首歌- -





-谁知道呀,可能被车撞了吧.. who cares.. (这种事真的会发生么..😂)

(别 说 我 腹 黑 - - 哈哈哈


被朋友问起关于女朋友的事情,被甩的自尊受挫感滚滚袭来,于是开始编一些啼笑皆非的谎话:太阳浴被晒死了,坐飞机坠了,游泳被鲨鱼吃了,被泥石流淹了,在夜店狂舞累死了... 等等等等😂 编到最后都快词穷了,还是不得不承认自己还是很care她的事实,表面上很不在乎的说“oh that's cool”,其实内心还是想成为“the one she's dying to love”


不妨自己也脑补下这 50 ways to say he/she is died 😄


My heart is paralyzed
My head was oversized
I’ll take the high road like I should

You said it’s meant to be
That it’s not you, it’s me
You’re leaving now for my own good

That’s cool, but if my friends ask where you are I’m gonna say
She went down in an airplane
Fried getting suntan
Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand
Help me, help me
I’m no good at goodbyes

She met a shark under water
Fell and no one caught her
I returned everything I ever bought her
Help me, help me
I’m all out of lies
And ways to say you died

My pride still feels the sting
You were my everything
Someday I’ll find a love like yours (a love like yours)

She’ll think I’m Superman
Not super minivan
How could you leave on Yom Kippur?

That’s cool, but if my friends ask where you are I’m gonna say
She was caught in a mudslide
Eaten by a lion
Got run over by a crappy purple Scion
Help me, help me
I’m no good at goodbyes

She dried up in the desert
Drown in a hot tub
Danced to death at an east side night club
Help me, help me
I’m all out of lies
And ways to say you died

I wanna live a thousand lives with you
I wanna be the one you’re dying to love
But you don’t want to

That’s cool, but if my friends ask where you are I’m gonna say
That’s cool, but if my friends ask where you are I’m gonna say

She went down in an airplane
Fried getting suntan
Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand
Help me, help me
I’m no good at goodbyes

She met a shark under water
Fell and no one caught her
I returned everything I ever bought her
Help me, help me
I’m all out of lies

She was caught in a mudslide
Eaten by a lion
Got run over by a crappy purple Scion
Help me, help me
I’m no good at goodbyes

She dried up in the desert
Drown in a hot tub
Danced to death at an east side night club
Help me, help me
I’m all out of lies
And ways to say you died


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