Better to burn out than to fade away...
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Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sunshine In - Frente!


这首歌用小孩子的口吻来描述一种积极的人生态度, "if you feel of troubleand you never seem to move, just open up your heart and let the sun shine in"  如果你感到困惑,似乎从未看到过进展,你只需要敞开心扉,让阳光照进。恶魔总是会制造麻烦给你,他总是喜欢看到你不开心的样子,所以我们要保持微笑,要让内心充满阳光,那么feel awful的就是他了。 小孩子充满童真的想法虽简单却不乏美好,心里突然暖暖的。Smilers never lose and frowners never win. 




Mommy told me something妈妈告诉过我一些 
A little kid should know 小孩子应该了解的事情 
It's all about the devil 那都是关于一个恶魔 
And I learned to hate him so 我非常憎恶他 
She said he causes trouble 妈妈说他会引起纷争 
when you let him in your room 当你让他进到家门 
He'll never ever leave if your heart is filled with gloom 当你的心灵充满忧郁黑暗时他从不曾离开 
So let the sun shine in 所以,让明媚阳光照进来吧 
Face it with a grin 用最开怀的笑脸面对 
Smilers never lose 微笑的人赢到最后 
And Frowners never win 愁眉苦脸者从不会胜利 
So let the sun shine in 所以,让明媚阳光照进来吧 
Face it with a grin 用最开怀的笑脸面对 
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in 敞开心扉,让阳光照进来 
When you are unhappy 当你不开心的时候 
The devil wears a grin 恶魔就咧嘴偷笑 
But oh he starts to run when the light comes prowling in 但是当光明渐渐到来时他开始逃跑了! 
I know he'll be unhappy cause I'll never wear a frown 我知道他一定很不开心 因为我从不困苦皱眉 
Maybe if we keep on smiling 也许当我们都笑口常开 
He'll get tired of hanging 'round 他就会疲于奔命 
If I forget to say my prayers 如果我忘记祷告 
The devil jumps with glee 恶魔会狞笑着跳出来 
But he feels so awful awful 但他会觉得非常痛苦 
When he sees me on my knees 当他跪着看向我 
So if you feel of trouble 所以,如果你感到困惑 
And you never seem to move 似乎从未看到过进展 
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in.你只需要敞开心扉,让阳光照进


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